English language arts
Year 1 Punctuation Task
Year 1 skills lesson covering:
Full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.
Oxford Reading Tree Comprehension Sheets
Oxford Reading Tree Comprehension Sheets
Pokemon Fact File
Pokemon fact file
Choice of two front covers: colour or black and white.
HA and LA fact file page includes:
*Page to write name and draw a picture of the Pokemon.
*Name, type, stage of evolution, height, weight, power, weakness and description.
(Print back to back to create fact file.)
KS1 Checklist labels
Checklists set to print to labels for:
Simple Sentence
Descriptive Sentence
I plan to use them next year with my Year 1 class.
Design a Pokemon
Design a Pokemon: Chn to design and describe their own Pokemon character.
Design sheet- children to draw and label their design- then evaluate it once they have made it.
Individual task sheet for final design.
Body parts sheet for children to cut and stick on their Pokemon design sheet
Handwriting Targets
Year 1 Handwriting target
Year 1 Editing a letter to the Queen
Children to correct the mistakes in the letter to the Queen adding punctuation.
Reading Bookmark Targets
Reading bookmarks to share individual targets with children.
Year 1 Phonics- 4 in a row
4 in a Row game.
Chn play with a partner. They both take a different coloured pencil or counter and take turns reading a word aloud. If they read it correctly colour or cover the circle. Whoever gets four in a row first, wins!
Alphabet and Number Reminder
I have made these printed to card and stick them to the back of English and Maths books so that they flap open and the children can see them whilst working.
Alphabetical and Lowercase English book flap.
Number formation reminder Maths book flap.
Reading target cards
Reading target cards- can be adapted for all ages.
Skills lesson- Using capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks
Skills lesson- Using capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks:
Chn to copy and complete the sentences using the correct punctuation.
Pokemon Nonsense word game
Pokemon nonsense word game.
2 player game.
1. Roll the dice.
2. Move your counter that number of spaces.
3. Read the word you land on. If you get it right stay on the word. If you get it wrong go back to the space you were on.
4. First person to reach their Pokémon is the winner!
Phonics morning tasks
Crossword puzzles
Missing word sentences
Picture and captions
Year 1 Phonics Battleships
Phonics battleships board game. 2 player game. Provide chn with the list of words you would like them to practise. Children to place their words on the battleship board (One letter per board). Players then take turns to guess the coordinates of their words.
Arthur and the Meanies Tasks
Arthur and the Meanies PSHE and Literacy focused activities and area tasks. These were used for an observation in Year 1.
Handwriting Sheets
Handwriting sheets used for a Year 1 handwriting group.
Year 1 Handwriting Group
Year 1 Handwriting Group plan and cursive handwriting sheets.
Punctuation posters
Punctuation posters with riddles to help children remember when they are used.
Table top activities
Alphabet cards to display on tables.
Number practise 1-100.
Name practise sheets basic and pre cursive font.